// Adrenaline Bot for Lineage 2 | Basic problems and their solutions


  • Most often and the most common problem, bot does not see Lineage 2 client. Probably bot injection to the client is disabled. You have to click on “android” logo to make it red. Three possible ways, how to fix that problem: (Click to see an example)
    1. Press the left or right Ctrl key on the keyboard together with E – CTRL+E
    2. Click in the menu bar – Menu > Start
    3. Simply by clicking on android button in the bot
  • When trying to open bot but nothing happens or bot icon is grey in the tray. Usually it happens when Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is enabled. You can disable it with a simple command: bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff . Open Command Prompt (CMD) window as administrator and paste that code (Click to see an example)
    Note: If you tried to disable DEP and received following error “The value is protected by secure boot policy and cannot be modified or deleted.” You will need to disable Secure boot in the bios. How to disable it, you can check this video tutorial.
  • Antivirus found bot files as a virus or malware. As it is program that injects to something (in our case Lineage2 game client), antiviruses will find it as a thread. That means you will have to put bot files to the exclusion list of your antivirus, but it is always recommended to delete it completely as several antivirus, suspends bot even when its in exclusion list.
  • Windows Defender deleting bot files even if it is disabled. Often happens that Win. Defender works when its disabled. The best solution to disable it completely with this DefenderControl application
  • Some private, crappy servers trying to harm your PC with modifying system files, in this case they can stop updater workability. Solution:
    • Find file “hosts” in your Windows folder, located “C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\
    • Open that file with notepad
    • Delete a row named “coderx.ru” and save somewhere, for example on Desktop
    • Delete old (faulty) hosts file from “C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\” path..
    • Replace new (fixed) hosts file (It will require Administrator rights)

  • Some Adrenaline Bot functions may not work or won’t work correctly, if the bot is launched without compatibility for Windows7. It is recommended to run L2.exe and Adrenalin.exe in compatibility for Windows7
  • Your key has expired. Error that means your key.txt file is empty or faulty or your key time has expired. Usually it might be that you have put scripts key in there. Also try to remove spaces and invalid characters in this file.
  • Your provider is blocking connection to the bot or updater server. First of all, try to turn off your Firewall. If this didn’t help, try changing your DNS using this DNSChanger app or use a VPN or mobile internet.
  • Error with one number “2“. Means that you are launching bot on Virtual Machine. You are not allowed to use bot on VM (VMWare/Oracle etc.)
  • Getting error “An invalid chracter was found in text content.” (screenshot)”
    Solution: Go to Control Panel > Region > Administrative > Change system locale. Uncheck “Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support” checkbox and make PC restart.